Spring Break pt 2: Medora and the Badlands

I am so excited for my summer job in Medora. It should be a great experience through my summer career. Not only I would be in a historical place, but work with different kinds of people, and be one with nature.

During my spring break I got to explore Medora, though most things were close, it was still amazing that the nature of the badlands stood out. I can’t wait to for summer to come. Though Medora is beautiful in the snow.

Look at this cute playground

Look at this cute playground

This was in the hotel room of the rough riders hotel. Isn't it cute?

This was in the hotel room of the rough riders hotel. Isn’t it cute?

The rough riders hotel

The rough riders hotel

The badlands in Medora

The badlands in Medora





Update/Spring Break Part 1: Crazy Horse and The Black Hills

Hey All,

So for my spring break I was going looking at schools in South Dakota. I am glad to say that I have chosen.

“Insert drum roll”

Black Hills State University!

It is so beautiful because it’s located right in the middle of the Black Hills. I am excited to go there next fall. But any who, here are some photos from the black hills and Crazy Horse memorial.


Crazy Horse

Crazy Horse

Crazy Horse museum

Crazy Horse museum

Crazy Horse Museum

Crazy Horse Museum

Crazy Horse Museum

Crazy Horse Museum

Crazy Horse Museum

Crazy Horse Museum

the black hills

the black hills

the black hills and george

the black hills and george

the deer in the black hills

the deer in the black hills

Till next time in fall i was explore more and learn more

Till Next time




For some moments, I think of you

The smiles and the advice that you gave

But as we drift away from each other,

There’s some things I need to say

Thank you for all the times that you inspired me

now I see

Told me I was beautiful and had a kind heart

And how you noticed it from the start

I am sorry for all that we been through

Said that I hate you,

And I forgive you for that you put me through

I hope we find what we are looking for wherever we go

Maybe will see eachother again, who knows?

In the end though I know what’s true

I always have and always will appreciate you

A little thank you

Thank you,

For the lessons you taught me

To be strong no matter how it life would be

And cherish the friends, who support me

For showing me how some memories are lost

But not forgotten

That nobodies

Can be somebodies

And we are all heros within

And how the heart can be weak

and sometimes it can give in

But there is always be a light that is within

That never goes out

Late Night Post Series… First Post

Hello Readers.

This is my first post of my of my late night post series…

Basically these are gonna  be random post of what I am thinking late at night. Right now I am thinking about doing college applications.

So tomorrow, I will be working on college applications. It is so weird to think I am transferring next year. Though I don’t know where and I am hopefully will get in  my choices

which are


UW-Eau Claire

UW- Madison

I know I am going do my best, and I know whatever choice I make, it will be a good one

Double Majoring Experiences?

I need some suggestions.

I am planning to double major.  I am hopefully aiming for a double major in Native American Studies/Political Science major. I want to be an advocate for Native Americans, and work on a native reservation.

I was wondering if anyone have any experiences with double majoring?

Please comment below
